TEI '24: Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction Proceedings
@ Cork, Ireland
Joana Chicau, Creative Computing Institute, University of the Arts London;
Kristina Popova, Media Technology and Interaction Design , KTH Royal Institute of Technology;
Rebecca Fiebrink, Creative Computing Institute, University of the Arts London;
We invite human-computer interaction and technology practitioners to join us in the collaborative exploration of discomfort associated with technology in the age of surveillance capitalism. With the help of body-based exercises inspired by choreography we will articulate the discomforts of living and designing with extractivist technology. Our studio is aimed at technology practitioners of a broad range of expertise who have experienced discomfort in relation to data- driven extractivist systems.
In the first part of the studio, participants will share their experiences of resisting such systems as users and technology creators. In the second part, participants will engage in an ideation session to propose forms of countering existing technologies.
Embodied methods and choreographic approaches will be used for making digital discomfort tangible and for guiding the exploration of the topics at stake. As an outcome, participants will collectively design a toolbox to conceptualise discomfort in a tangible, embodied way, and form a network to continue discuss these matters post-studio in an online community discussion group.
Participants will learn:
Furthermore, participants will be invited to join an online community discussion group, to contribute to a studio report to be published in the website as well as potential future publications.
We welcome anyone with an interest in the workshop topic and/or body-based methods. We are especially interested, but not exclusively, in practitioners working within Human-Computer Interaction in areas such as:
The workshop takes place on Sunday, 11th February, from 09:00 - 13:00 with a 30 min break.
Note1: deadline for showing interest is 1st February (registering early helps us plan, but feel free to get in touch after this deadline in case there are still spots available).
Note2: After filling in the form above, we will get in touch over email with more information on how to register for the studio using TEI'24 conference registration system.
If you have any questions, contact Kristina kpopova@kth.se and/or Joana j.chicau@arts.ac.uk